the screentime consultant logo dark on light
the screentime consultant logo dark on light
the screentime consultant logo dark on light
kids on screens
kids on screens

Think you have a screentime problem? Start here.

Think you have a screentime problem? Start here.

Jul 24, 2024

Jul 24, 2024

There's No Such Thing As a Safe Smartphone For Kids

There's No Such Thing As a Safe Smartphone For Kids

Jul 10, 2024

Jul 10, 2024

The Madness of EdTech

The Madness of EdTech

Jun 26, 2024

Jun 26, 2024

How Do We Implement "Phone Away for the Day" Schools?

How Do We Implement "Phone Away for the Day" Schools?

Jun 19, 2024

Jun 19, 2024

You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

Jun 13, 2024

Jun 13, 2024

social media pressures on teens
social media pressures on teens

Social Media and the Weaponization of Middle School Drama

Social Media and the Weaponization of Middle School Drama

Jun 4, 2024

Jun 4, 2024

family staring at screens
family staring at screens

3 Trends From Parent Surveys About Technology and Parenting

3 Trends From Parent Surveys About Technology and Parenting

May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024

robot teacher replace human
robot teacher replace human

What’s Getting Lost in the AI Shuffle

What’s Getting Lost in the AI Shuffle

May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024

child over exposed to technology
child over exposed to technology

It’s Time to Address the Cause, Not the Symptom: School-Issued Devices

It’s Time to Address the Cause, Not the Symptom: School-Issued Devices

May 6, 2024

May 6, 2024

Kindergartners playing on ipads at school
Kindergartners playing on ipads at school

Phone-Free Schools Are Half the Solution

Phone-Free Schools Are Half the Solution

Apr 30, 2024

Apr 30, 2024

students smiling in hall with no phone policy sign
students smiling in hall with no phone policy sign

How an Idaho School District Adopted a Phone-Free Policy

How an Idaho School District Adopted a Phone-Free Policy

Apr 23, 2024

Apr 23, 2024

head injury
head injury

How I Became The Screentime Consultant

How I Became The Screentime Consultant

Apr 17, 2024

Apr 17, 2024

emily testified before the vermont house about S.289
emily testified before the vermont house about S.289

My Testimony to the Vermont House in Support of S.289

My Testimony to the Vermont House in Support of S.289

Apr 10, 2024

Apr 10, 2024

labradoodle with cherry blossoms
labradoodle with cherry blossoms

Birds, Bees & Phones

Birds, Bees & Phones

Apr 3, 2024

Apr 3, 2024

children with smart devices on seat
children with smart devices on seat

“Child-Friendly” Devices Aren’t Better Than Smartphones

“Child-Friendly” Devices Aren’t Better Than Smartphones

Mar 26, 2024

Mar 26, 2024

sixth grade fashion
sixth grade fashion

Cultivating Resilience

Cultivating Resilience

Mar 12, 2024

Mar 12, 2024

girl staring at phone with bunny in background
girl staring at phone with bunny in background

The Problem With AI in Education Isn’t What You Think

The Problem With AI in Education Isn’t What You Think

Mar 4, 2024

Mar 4, 2024

kids staring at screens hiding faces
kids staring at screens hiding faces

The Impacts of Screen-Based Technology

The Impacts of Screen-Based Technology

Feb 28, 2024

Feb 28, 2024

sylvie bridge builder
sylvie bridge builder

4 Ways Tech-Based Play Is Different From Traditional Play

4 Ways Tech-Based Play Is Different From Traditional Play

Feb 20, 2024

Feb 20, 2024

family values overlaid child with screen
family values overlaid child with screen

How Family Values Relate to Screentime

How Family Values Relate to Screentime

Feb 14, 2024

Feb 14, 2024

child with looming scary shadow
child with looming scary shadow

Scary Versus Dangerous: Worry About the Right Stuff

Scary Versus Dangerous: Worry About the Right Stuff

Feb 6, 2024

Feb 6, 2024

facebook congress hearing
facebook congress hearing

The Money is Just Too Good. Even When Kids are Dying.

The Money is Just Too Good. Even When Kids are Dying.

Jan 31, 2024

Jan 31, 2024

kids hugging compassion
kids hugging compassion

Which Skills Should We Emphasize for Healthy Development?

Which Skills Should We Emphasize for Healthy Development?

Jan 31, 2024

Jan 31, 2024

evolution of persuasive design
evolution of persuasive design

The Evolution of Persuasive Design

The Evolution of Persuasive Design

Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024

tantrum grocery store
tantrum grocery store

Proven Strategies for Navigating Post-Screen Meltdowns

Proven Strategies for Navigating Post-Screen Meltdowns

Jan 16, 2024

Jan 16, 2024

family photo at beach
family photo at beach

3 More Habits of the Tech-Intentional™ Family

3 More Habits of the Tech-Intentional™ Family

Jan 1, 2024

Jan 1, 2024

family together time
family together time

3 Habits of the Tech-Intentional™ Family

3 Habits of the Tech-Intentional™ Family

Dec 25, 2023

Dec 25, 2023

four kids playing a game
four kids playing a game

Living Our Lives Out Loud

Living Our Lives Out Loud

Dec 18, 2023

Dec 18, 2023

bored child looking at screen
bored child looking at screen

When “I’m Bored” Means “I Want Screentime”

When “I’m Bored” Means “I Want Screentime”

Dec 11, 2023

Dec 11, 2023

4 stages of childhood
4 stages of childhood

When Fighting Over Foursquare Isn’t a Bad Thing

When Fighting Over Foursquare Isn’t a Bad Thing

Dec 5, 2023

Dec 5, 2023

everyone checked out on screens
everyone checked out on screens

We’ve Got It Backwards. Skills Matter.

We’ve Got It Backwards. Skills Matter.

Nov 27, 2023

Nov 27, 2023

parenting quadrant feature
parenting quadrant feature

The Parenting Quadrant

The Parenting Quadrant

Nov 21, 2023

Nov 21, 2023

parents parenting with phone
parents parenting with phone

5 Reasons Parental Controls Will Fail You

5 Reasons Parental Controls Will Fail You

Nov 14, 2023

Nov 14, 2023

child demanding screentime tantrum
child demanding screentime tantrum

Tech’s Secret Weapon: Persuasive Design

Tech’s Secret Weapon: Persuasive Design

Nov 7, 2023

Nov 7, 2023

walking to school alone child
walking to school alone child

A Child Who Thinks They Can’t Is Eventually Right

A Child Who Thinks They Can’t Is Eventually Right

Oct 24, 2023

Oct 24, 2023

parents freaking out when kids see something naughty
parents freaking out when kids see something naughty

When The News is Scary and the Images Graphic

When The News is Scary and the Images Graphic

Oct 10, 2023

Oct 10, 2023

Sylvie riding her bike solo around the neighborhood
Sylvie riding her bike solo around the neighborhood

Safe? Or Surveilled? Striking the Right Balance as Parents in the Digital Age

Safe? Or Surveilled? Striking the Right Balance as Parents in the Digital Age

Oct 5, 2023

Oct 5, 2023

girl looking over shoulder into distance
girl looking over shoulder into distance

Middle Schoolers Don’t Need Smartphones. They Need a Childhood.

Middle Schoolers Don’t Need Smartphones. They Need a Childhood.

Sep 29, 2023

Sep 29, 2023

young boy remote learning
young boy remote learning

Kids are using A LOT of tech at school. Here’s what you need to know…

Kids are using A LOT of tech at school. Here’s what you need to know…

Sep 23, 2023

Sep 23, 2023

The Screentime Consultant with Gillian Jarvis
The Screentime Consultant with Gillian Jarvis

Guest Newsletter with Gillian Jarvis, Pediatric OT

Guest Newsletter with Gillian Jarvis, Pediatric OT

Sep 15, 2023

Sep 15, 2023

parent with child on shoulders walking away
parent with child on shoulders walking away

An Open Letter to Parents About Parental Controls

An Open Letter to Parents About Parental Controls

Sep 8, 2023

Sep 8, 2023

labradoodle and a laptop
labradoodle and a laptop

Social media and me. (If it's hard for us, it's worse for kids)

Social media and me. (If it's hard for us, it's worse for kids)

Sep 1, 2023

Sep 1, 2023

Emily Cherkin and Family
Emily Cherkin and Family

“Social Media is Bad for Kids,” According to a Kid

“Social Media is Bad for Kids,” According to a Kid

Aug 25, 2023

Aug 25, 2023

ipad with screentime logo
ipad with screentime logo

Save a Tween, Share a Phone

Save a Tween, Share a Phone

Aug 18, 2023

Aug 18, 2023

family photo with teen
family photo with teen

Holding Tight and Letting Go: Parenting a Teen

Holding Tight and Letting Go: Parenting a Teen

Aug 3, 2023

Aug 3, 2023

image of locked phone in hand
image of locked phone in hand

The Number One Question I Get Asked and How I Respond

The Number One Question I Get Asked and How I Respond

Jul 26, 2023

Jul 26, 2023

Mom cuddling toddler
Mom cuddling toddler

My Teen Is In Europe and All I Get are One-Word Texts. Here's Why That's Ok.

My Teen Is In Europe and All I Get are One-Word Texts. Here's Why That's Ok.

Jun 23, 2023

Jun 23, 2023

kid in bed with phone
kid in bed with phone

3 Questions to Consider About When to Give Your Kid a Phone (Or For Whom the Phone Pulls)

3 Questions to Consider About When to Give Your Kid a Phone (Or For Whom the Phone Pulls)

Jun 19, 2023

Jun 19, 2023

my tween rolling her eyes
my tween rolling her eyes

Why I Give My Tween Permission to Be Mad at Me

Why I Give My Tween Permission to Be Mad at Me

Jun 9, 2023

Jun 9, 2023

kid playing with phone alone
kid playing with phone alone

“My Kid Doesn’t Use Social Media.” Yes, they do. If your kid uses YouTube or Roblox, they’re using social media.

“My Kid Doesn’t Use Social Media.” Yes, they do. If your kid uses YouTube or Roblox, they’re using social media.

Jun 5, 2023

Jun 5, 2023

emily presentation middle school
emily presentation middle school

On the Minds of Middle Schoolers

On the Minds of Middle Schoolers

May 19, 2023

May 19, 2023

child browsing the internet at night
child browsing the internet at night

Think Your Kid Won’t Get Porn in their DMs?

Think Your Kid Won’t Get Porn in their DMs?

Mar 14, 2023

Mar 14, 2023

Emily speaking to children who are distracted and inclined to ignore her
Emily speaking to children who are distracted and inclined to ignore her

Our Kids Are Listening, Even When They Roll Their Eyes.

Our Kids Are Listening, Even When They Roll Their Eyes.

Mar 9, 2023

Mar 9, 2023

sad student during remote learning
sad student during remote learning

What Parents Need to Know About Screen Use in Schools

What Parents Need to Know About Screen Use in Schools

Feb 23, 2023

Feb 23, 2023

5th grade group chat history that Emily Cherkin was privy to
5th grade group chat history that Emily Cherkin was privy to

5 Things I Learned From 5 Days in a 5th Grade Group Chat

5 Things I Learned From 5 Days in a 5th Grade Group Chat

Feb 8, 2023

Feb 8, 2023

robot with friendly look on face at laptop
robot with friendly look on face at laptop

ChatGPT: What's Scary vs Dangerous

ChatGPT: What's Scary vs Dangerous

Jan 26, 2023

Jan 26, 2023

kids staring at devices
kids staring at devices

Which Parental Controls Do I Recommend? None.

Which Parental Controls Do I Recommend? None.

Nov 2, 2022

Nov 2, 2022

Image of little boy through glass car window
Image of little boy through glass car window

A Tech-Intentional Parenting Manifesto

A Tech-Intentional Parenting Manifesto

Sep 15, 2022

Sep 15, 2022

crashing and breaking wave kicking up foam in the ocean
crashing and breaking wave kicking up foam in the ocean

An Open Letter to Big Tech From an Outraged Parent

An Open Letter to Big Tech From an Outraged Parent

Apr 29, 2022

Apr 29, 2022

the snapchat logo
the snapchat logo

I’m 43. I made a fake Snapchat account pretending to be a 15-year-old. Within seconds, Snapchat’s algorithm delivered content it deemed “age appropriate.” Hardly.

I’m 43. I made a fake Snapchat account pretending to be a 15-year-old. Within seconds, Snapchat’s algorithm delivered content it deemed “age appropriate.” Hardly.

Oct 26, 2021

Oct 26, 2021

Orange sunset through a bathroom window, Summer 2021. (Photo by Author)
Orange sunset through a bathroom window, Summer 2021. (Photo by Author)

Smoke and Tears: From 9/11 to Climate Grief

Smoke and Tears: From 9/11 to Climate Grief

Aug 13, 2021

Aug 13, 2021

person typing on ipad with monitor in background
person typing on ipad with monitor in background

That Battle You’re Having With Your Kid Over Screens? It’s Not a Fair Fight. (But Here Are 3 Things Parents Can Do.)

That Battle You’re Having With Your Kid Over Screens? It’s Not a Fair Fight. (But Here Are 3 Things Parents Can Do.)

May 14, 2021

May 14, 2021

overwhelmed child is upset. This is not sustainable 2020
overwhelmed child is upset. This is not sustainable 2020

This Is Not Sustainable. Parents, It Is Time To Act.

This Is Not Sustainable. Parents, It Is Time To Act.

Sep 25, 2020

Sep 25, 2020

Smokey Sun, Seattle, Sept. 12, 2020. Noon
Smokey Sun, Seattle, Sept. 12, 2020. Noon

We Can Do Hard Things

We Can Do Hard Things

Sep 15, 2020

Sep 15, 2020

Child scrolling on school-issued device Photo by StockSnap — 894430
Child scrolling on school-issued device Photo by StockSnap — 894430

When Your Kids See Porn on Their School-Issued Device, Guess Who Is Responsible? Hint: It’s Not the School District.

When Your Kids See Porn on Their School-Issued Device, Guess Who Is Responsible? Hint: It’s Not the School District.

Sep 1, 2020

Sep 1, 2020

Remote Learning, Spring 2020, My House
Remote Learning, Spring 2020, My House

How to Minimize the Misery

How to Minimize the Misery

Aug 13, 2020

Aug 13, 2020

Remote learning at author's home.
Remote learning at author's home.

My Son Loves His Math Teacher

My Son Loves His Math Teacher

Jun 20, 2020

Jun 20, 2020

The Screentime Consultant

YES! I would love to receive Emily's weekly Tech-Intentional™ newsletter about parenting in the digital age!

The Screentime Consultant

YES! I would love to receive Emily's weekly Tech-Intentional™ newsletter about parenting in the digital age!

The Screentime Consultant

YES! I would love to receive Emily's weekly Tech-Intentional™ newsletter about parenting in the digital age!
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Emily Cherkin’s mission is to empower parents to better understand and balance family screentime by building a Tech-Intentional™ movement.

Copyright © 2024 The Screentime Consultant, LLC | All Rights Reserved. | Tech-Intentional™

and The Screentime Consultant, LLC™ are registered trademarks.

The Screentime Consultant Logo Footer image

Emily Cherkin’s mission is to empower parents to better understand and balance family screentime by building a Tech-Intentional™ movement.

Copyright © 2024 The Screentime Consultant, LLC | All Rights Reserved. | Tech-Intentional™

and The Screentime Consultant, LLC™

are registered trademarks.

The Screentime Consultant Logo Footer image

Emily Cherkin’s mission is to empower parents to better understand and balance family screentime by building a Tech-Intentional™ movement.

Copyright © 2024 The Screentime Consultant, LLC | All Rights Reserved. | Tech-Intentional™

and The Screentime Consultant, LLC™ are registered trademarks.